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Image by Jan Bolz


Learn more about our company and what we can offer you though these

commonly asked questions.


Judgment Collection Specialists, Inc. was incorporated in Texas in 2001. We are located in the metro-Houston area.

While our base of operations is in Harris County, we serve clients throughout Texas, the United States and internationally. Our broad client base includes attorneys, private investigators, financial institutions, government agencies, corporations and individuals, all of whom rely on us to obtain and provide comprehensive asset search and collection of civil judgments.

Our company founder is a former Director of Credit and Collections for North America for a prominent Fortune 100 company. His 30-plus years experience include responsibilities for thousands of customers, billions of dollars in accounts receivable, and a large staff in credit, collections and A/R systems. He and our collections and research staff are trained by the State Bar of Texas, and are networked with other collections professionals throughout the United States. Our company has made substantial investments in technology and systems in order to provide the best-in-class access to relevant debtor information.

Judgment Collection Specialists, Inc., is a member in good standing with the both the National Judgment Network and the Better Business Bureau.

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  • What is an Asset Search, and how can it help in the collection of my judgment?
    (Please note - for individuals we require an asset search upfront before we will consider your case for recovery) A civil judgment creditor needs to understand what assets his or her debtor owns that may be used to satisfy the judgment. Once asset holdings are understood, then the judgment creditor can pursue at least two avenues to satisfy the judgment: 1) The creditor and debtor can work towards a financial settlement, or 2) in the case of a delinquent or uncooperative debtor, some assets may be seized to satisfy the judgment. In either case, without the creditor having a solid understanding of the debtor's ability to satisfy the judgment, there is little chance for negotiation, settlement, or seizure. ​ Many judgment creditors are aware of this, but don't know where to turn for accurate, reliable, comprehensive asset search information. Judgment Collection Specialists can help. All of our Asset Search offerings are conducted on a NATIONWIDE basis, and many of our search packages come with helpful analysis to help you interpret and use the data.
  • Regarding asset searches for Judgment Recovery - am I guaranteed to make a recovery when I purchase any of your Asset Search services or packages?
    A large percentage of all judgments ultimately prove to be uncollectible. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the information we provide in our Asset Search services will automatically translate into a recovery on your judgment. The conditions that affect a judgment holder's ability to make a recovery include, but are not limited to: debtor's overall financial status availability of debtor assets which can be seized differing state laws which protect the debtor and/or limit what the creditor can seize the potential costs of recovery, as compared to the total potential for recovery
  • I am an individual. I want to utilize your services, but my legal proceedings are not final. Am I able to purchase an asset search?
    We will be happy to provide our services directly to the attorney working on your case. However, we will not be able to provide our services directly to you until such time as you have a final judgment rendered in your case. We recommend contacting your attorney to see if we can assist them with your asset search requirements.
  • I am an individual. I'm not in litigation, and have no legal documents to provide. May I purchase an asset search?
    No. You must have a final civil judgment on file to request our services. Please contact an attorney to discuss your options.
  • I am an individual and wish to order an asset search on a deceased relative. May I purchase an asset search?
    No. Only the executor of the estate or the deceased family member's attorney may request a search pertaining to the deceased. We do not service requests when the subject is deceased over 2 months.
  • I am concerned about providing you a photocopy of driver's license. Can you ensure my privacy?
    Absolutely! We never rent, sell, or share our clients' personal information. A photocopy of driver's license is required only to confirm that we are working with the judgment creditor and ensure "permissible purpose" for the search. ​ If you still have concerns, your attorney or private investigator may request the search without having to provide a photocopy of your driver's license. Or you may call our offices for more information on how we maintain your confidentiality.
  • I am an officer of a corporation. I would like to pre-screen my debtors before filing a civil judgment. Can I utilize your asset search services for these purposes?
    Yes, with stipulations. Because only attorneys are authorized to request our services before judgment, the request will need to come from your in-house counsel, or other attorney or law firm you may have on retainer. Please have the appropriate legal counselor contact us to initiate a search.
  • What is considered a "Hit" on your property searches?
    Regarding property searches, if your debtor has ownership of property of any kind whatsoever, whether it is only a utility trailer, or a mansion on the beach, it is considered a "hit".
  • What is considered a "Hit" on your bank and brokerage account searches?
    Regarding our Bank Account Searches (#6 Standard, #7 Enhanced, #8 Brokerage, some of which are also included in the #9 Combined Asset Package, #10 Judgment Enforcement Package and #11 Total Financial and Property Package), the account is considered a "hit" if it is a valid, open and current account, regardless of balance.
  • What is the "No Hit Fee", and why is it necessary?
    In consideration of our clients, we will not charge the full price for a property search or bank account search if we do not locate any property whatsoever, or a bank account. However, our firm does incur administrative costs in conducting these searches, which amounts to $50 for property and employment; $50 or $65 for bank account searches (depending on whether the search is Standard or Extended) and $100 for brokerage account searches.
  • Just a note:
    We will accept judgment cases for evaluation where the principal rendered at verdict is at least $10,000. To qualify, a complete asset search (#9 Combined Asset Package or #10 Judgment Enforcement Package) must be conducted in order to understand debtor asset holdings. If the asset search conducted by our company indicates a collectible status for the judgment, an assignment may be considered
  • I am an individual, and I have a judgment. Will you take on my case?
    If your case was rendered in Small Claims or equivalent court, and/or has a principal rendered at verdict of less than $10,000, the answer is, respectfully, no. We believe that individuals who have Small Claims cases are best served by attempting the collection themselves. ​ If your case was rendered in a County Civil, District, Superior, Federal or other court, and the original principal rendered at verdict is valued at $10,000 or more, and you believe your case is collectible, we will consider your case upon purchase of asset search. ​ The first step in our mutually beneficial relationship is understanding your case and your judgment debtor. To do so, we need to understand the financial condition of your judgment debtor. This is accomplished through our comprehensive asset searches. ​ Therefore, the first step in the process is to order an asset search from our company. The appropriate package to choose is the #9 Combined Asset Search for non-wage garnishment states (Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas), or a #10 Judgment Enforcement Package for wage garnishment states (all others). ​ After we obtain and provide our research to you, a determination can be made if it is worthwhile to proceed with a judgment collection agreement.
  • I am a corporate officer who wishes to convert our company's judgments into cash. Can you help?
    We evaluate judgments on a case-by-case basis, and our requirements are similar to what is spelled out above. An asset search must be purchased for each case being considered for evaluation.
  • What is an "Agreement for Assignment", and why is it necessary?
    The only recognized legal entity empowered to pursue a recovery is the current judgment creditor. For Judgment Collection Specialists to be legally empowered to begin a recovery, an Agreement for Assignment must be filed with the court-of-origin. The Agreement for Assignment establishes Judgment Collection Specialists as the current judgment creditor. After the Agreement for Assignment is recognized by the court-of origin, Judgment Collection Specialists is then given the legal right to enforce the judgment. As well as providing the legal means to collect, the Agreement for Assignment also protects our clients, as it sets forth the legal clarity which obligates Judgment Collection Specialists to share the proceeds with the original judgment creditor.
  • Does JCS offer a guarantee that my judgment will be collected?
    There are some cases that no matter who works the judgment will not yield any monetary payoff. The conditions that affect a judgment's collectability include, but are not limited to: debtor's overall financial status availability of debtor assets which can be seized differing state laws which protect the debtor and/or limit what the creditor can seize the potential costs of recovery, as compared to potential recovery ​ Your chances for recovery are greatly enhanced if: The judgment includes an individual and/or sole proprietorship as defendant, and/or The judgment includes a corporation that is still a fully-operational business as defendant; The judgment is dated within the state's statute of limitations; The defendant is not a individual or business who has filed bankruptcy; The debtor has assets available for seizure in accordance with state laws. ​ Keep in mind that, we are only profitable when our clients are, and therefore, for those cases we accept, we exhaust every possibility to make a successful collection.
  • What are your terms for profit sharing?
    Our rates are variable, depending on the collectability and value of the case. A high-value case with a high probability of collectability will have a more beneficial profit-sharing ratio than a lower-value case that the asset search determines has only a modest back-end profit. The results of the asset search will help determine what will be a mutually beneficial profit-sharing ratio.
  • How long will it take to collect my judgment?
    Some cases may yield a recovery in three to six months. However, most take much longer. Cases in debtor-friendly states are especially difficult. These may take numerous months or even years to yield a recovery. Still, other cases will simply prove to be “uncollectable”. Be wary of a company that promises a quick return on your judgment collection. The best strategy is patience. It takes time to ensure that you receive a maximized recovery that is conducted in accordance with the laws of your state. If you have a substantial case with a high potential for recovery, Judgment Collection Specialists will exhaust all of the alternatives to make your recovery successful.
  • How will I get paid?
    You will receive your proceeds directly from Judgment Collection Specialists. After Judgment Collection Specialists receives monies from a partial or full recovery on the judgment from the courts, the debtor, or an attorney, we send the creditor a check for their agreed-upon portion. We include a photocopy of the original check to insure our clients' satisfaction with the agreement. Our standard turnaround time in paying our clients is 15 days or less from the date of our receipt, depending on the type of funds we receive.

©2023 by Judgment Collection Specialists, Inc.

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